We adhere to the UK's stringent compliance frameworks and standards, ensuring the secure and responsible management of data for both the NHS and private practice. Our commitment extends to meeting the requirements of DCB0129, DTAC, DSPT, Cyber Essentials, and the Data Protection Act.

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Locally hosted data

We prioritise data sovereignty by ensuring all our data is locally hosted within the UK. This practice enhances data security and speeds, while also ensuring compliance with UK data protection regulations.


DCB0129 ensures that clinical software is safe for use in healthcare. Our products adhere strictly to these guidelines, providing reliable and safe technology solutions that meet rigorous clinical safety standards.

DTAC (Digital Technology Assessment Criteria)

We are compliant with DTAC, demonstrating our commitment to high-quality digital health tools. Our technologies are rigorously evaluated to ensure they meet the NHS’s standards for clinical effectiveness, data protection, and interoperability.

DSPT (Data Security and Protection Toolkit)

Our company rigorously follows the Data Security and Protection Toolkit standards, ensuring that the handling of NHS patient data and personal information is secure and confidential. We uphold the highest levels of data security and integrity.

Cyber Essentials certified

By achieving Cyber Essentials certification, our company confirms our dedication to cybersecurity. This UK government-backed scheme guides us in protecting our organization against a wide range of the most common cyber attacks.

Information Commissioner

Our registration with the Information Commissioner's Office affirms our commitment to data protection and privacy. This registration ensures our adherence to data protection laws and best practices, safeguarding personal information.

Data Protection Act

In compliance with the Data Protection Act, our company takes serious steps to ensure all personal data is handled legally and securely. We respect our customers’ privacy by maintaining a robust framework for managing personal information responsibly.